Consultation Overview
According to Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 450, Section 316, in developing Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTPs) and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), the MPO should consult with agencies and officials responsible for other planning activities within the Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) that are affected by transportation, including:
· State and local planned growth
· Economic development
· Tourism
· Natural disaster risk reduction
· Environmental protection
· Airport operations
· Freight movements
Or MPOs should coordinate their planning process to the maximum extent practicable with such planning activities. Regulations also state that the “MPOs shall, to the extent practicable, develop a documented process(es) that outlines roles, responsibilities, and key decision points for consulting with other governments and agencies.” GVMC recognizes its responsibility to coordinate with these organizations, which GVMC refers to as “consultation organizations,” throughout the planning process for the TIP and MTP. The overarching goal of the consultation process is to eliminate or minimize conflicts with these agencies’ plans, programs, or policies. For example, by consulting with tribal governments or land use management agencies during the development of the TIP and MTP, these organizations and GVMC can compare the proposed project lists and maps with other natural or historic resource inventories or with other plans to ensure there are no conflicts.
GVMC’s Consultation Plan outlines GVMC’s consultation process, including how and when GVMC contacts consultation organizations during the development of our MTP and TIP, the tools and methods we use to reach them, and how we evaluate these tools and methods to ensure they remain effective.
It is important to note that, while the consultation process is separate and distinct from the public involvement process, GVMC’s consultation list is included as a sub-list of GVMC’s larger Public Participation email list, so GVMC’s consultation organizations receive every notification that is sent to the public. Milestones of when the public is contacted during the development of the TIP and MTP are located in GVMC’s Public Participation Plan.
If you and your organization would like to join GVMC’s consultation list, please fill out the form below. Questions about GVMC’s consultation process can be directed to Andrea Faber (616) 776.7603.