Pavement and Asset Management
Asset Management Map Viewer and Data Resources
GVMC collects condition ratings regionally for MPO members on over 1,600 linear Miles of Roadways annually on the Federal Aid network using the PASER rating system . PASER is an acronym for Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating System. It is a system for rating surface condition of a pavement from a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a pavement in a failed condition and 10 being a pavement in excellent condition. Guidelines for rating the pavement surface using the PASER system have been developed by the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council.
*Click on the Map Image below to Launch the Interactive Condition Map containing the regions latest PASER ratings.
*Click on the Map Image below to Launch the Interactive Asset Management Vehicle Application to view regional imagery and condition data.
2024 Regional Pavement Condition Survey Report
2024 Regional Pavement Condition Map
2023 Asset Management Vehicle Application (2023 Archive Data)
2023 Regional Pavement Condition Survey Report
2023 Regional Pavement Condition Map
2022 Regional Pavement Condition Survey Report
2022 Regional Pavement Condition Map
Asset Management
"Asset management is a systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-effectively. It combines engineering principles with sound business practices and economic theory, and it provides tools to facilitate a more organized, logical approach to decision-making. Thus, asset management provides a framework for handling both short- and long-range planning." Source: FHWA Asset Management: Advancing the State of the Art Into the 21st Century
For a number of years there has been an effort statewide to collect condition data using the PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating) rating system. This effort was completed in the GVMC region in a parallel effort to the GVMC efforts. The PASER survey typically would collect data on 50% of the federal aid system annually. Using up to 3 staff members from various state and local agencies data would be collected via “windshield survey.”
In 2010, GVMC staff began studying the concept of streamlining the condition survey process and removing as much redundancy as was feasible. The resulting combined survey effort allows for the full integration of the technical capabilities of the GVMC van, thus allowing data to be collected with staff from each road agency participating in the data collection and also required 50% less overall staff time.
For more information on Asset Management please visit these sites:,1607,7-151-9621_15757---,00.html
For questions about asset management, email Bradley Doane.
Pavement Management
Since 1995, GVMC has maintained a Pavement Asset Management System (PaMS) for the federal aid system in the region. The GVMC PaMS has provided timely information related to the region’s pavement conditions that many of the jurisdictions in the area have used to make wise investment decisions in the core transportation infrastructure.
The Federal Highway Administration Office of Asset Management defines asset management as:
“A business process and decision-making framework that covers an extended time horizon, draws from economics as well as engineering, and considers a broad range of assets. The asset management approach incorporates the economic assessment of trade-offs between alternative investment options, both at the project level and at the network or system level, and uses this information to help make cost-effective investment decisions.”
There is no clear record of exactly when the first systematically managed pavement network was initiated. It could have evolved decades ago from a simple desire to measure the condition of pavements in an area to better prioritize maintenance activities.
For the GVMC area the desire to have knowledge of the condition of the federal aid system began in 1995 with the initiation of the GVMC Pavement Management System (PaMS). While federal regulation requiring the maintenance of a PaMS came and went in the mid 90’s, GVMC and its member communities strongly supported continuation of the collection of pavement condition data.
In 2006, GVMC took a progressive approach for the collection of pavement condition data. After years of paying a consulting firm in excess of $230 per mile to collect data on 350 miles per year, GVMC purchased specialized equipment that allows GVMC staff to collect data internally for under $100 per mile on the entire federal aid network (1570 miles). As the cost of this equipment is retired this cost should be reduced even further. The capacity of the GVMC mobile data collection unit allows for the collection of the entire system annually.
GVMC Pavement Condition Collection Vehicle
For a number of years there has been an effort statewide to collect condition data using the PASER rating system. This effort was completed in the GVMC region in a parallel effort to the GVMC efforts. The PASER survey typically would collect data on 50% of the federal aid system annually. Using up to 3 staff members from various state and local agencies data would be collected via “windshield survey.”
In 2010, GVMC staff began studying the concept of streamlining the condition survey process and removing as much redundancy as was feasible. The resulting combined survey effort allows for the full integration of the technical capabilities of the GVMC van, thus allowing data to be collected with staff from each road agency participating in the data collection and also required 50% less overall staff time.